8 February 2024

Fundación LAB Mediterraneo joins Anne Lauvergeon to talk about business strategies in a constantly changing world

Valencia, 8 February 2024.- Fundación LAB Mediterraneo, a project promoted by the Employers’ Association of Valencia (AVE), today joined Anne Lauvergeon, CEO and founder of ALP. 

Anne Lauvergeon is currently the CEO and founder of ALP and has a wealth of experience at the helm of large multinationals (AREVA, among others) and as a member of the Boards of Directors of important companies (Airbus, Suez, American Express, Vodafone, Total…). She has likewise held major positions in the Office of the President of the French Republic, who she personally represented at the G7 and G8 summits. She has received multiple distinctions, and, on several occasions, she has been named one of the 100 most influential people in the world, according to Time Magazine. 

From her experience, Anne Lauvergeon shared her view of technological entrepreneurship, innovation and the role of venture capital in both questions with the members of the Foundation; as well as her opinion on what characterizes the regions that attract the most talent and investment, pointing out that “there is no one model” which is why it is not recommended to replicate them but rather to “be inspired” by them. In her opinion, of the different factors that determine the success of an ecosystem, the fundamental one is “education” and ensuring that the corporate purpose is sufficiently appealing to retain talent. 

As for the criteria she prioritizes when investing in a new project, she stressed “that it should be innovative, useful” and, as far as the entrepreneur is concerned, “friendly”. 

Fundación LAB Mediterráneo

Fundación LAB Mediterráneo is a project created by AVE with the mission of positioning the Region of Valencia as a national and European benchmark in entrepreneurship, innovation, technology and research.

To achieve this, it has set itself five objectives: to promote the creation and attraction of technology start-ups; to work to attract national and international technology companies to set up in the Region of Valencia and create a ‘tractor effect’; to promote support for companies in non-technological sectors to accelerate their digital transformation; to contribute to increasing private investment in R&D&I; and to help promote research.

The Foundation’s Board of Trustees is made up of the following entities: Aceitunas Cazorla, Aquaservice/Plug and PlayAVEBaleàriaBanco SabadellBoluda Corporación MarítimaCaixaBankDacsa GroupEmbutidos Martínez/KMZERO, GDESGrupo AZAGrupo BertolínGrupo GimenoHelados EstiuImportacoLanzaderaLogifruitNunsys, RoyoInvext, S2 GrupoSPB/Cleanity TIBA/Romeu, Verne Technology Group Zeus/Sesame.


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