Unlimited Society

Unlimited in recognizing the unlimited value of our companies.
Sociedad ilimitada
Unlimited in recognizing the unlimited value of our companies.
Our society
has unlimited value
Why was Fundación LAB created?
Fundación Lab was created to promote social and economic progress in the Region of Valencia. An objective for which business people should join forces and work together to generate action and exploit the unlimited potential that we know there is in the companies of the Region of Valencia.
What are our objectives?
We are aware of all that we can offer to the world from the Valencian society, so our efforts are aimed at:

Encourage the creation
and attraction of technological

Attract technology
technology companies to set up
set up in the Region of
Valencia and create a
“tractor effect”

Promote support
companies in non-technological
non-technological sectors in the
to accelerate their digital
digital transformation

Contribute to increasing
private investment
in R&D innovation

Helping to boost
What initiatives are we carrying
initiatives to achieve this?
We presented the concept ‘Unlimited Company’ through a spot to recognise the unlimited value of our companies in the Region of Valencia. It was time to say that YES, we are a reference point and to start talking about all the unlimited potential we have to offer.

An initiative to make entrepreneurship, innovation, technology and research visible in order to change the perception that in the Region of Valencia we are NOT leaders in these 4 areas and to demonstrate with names and surnames that we ARE.
A movement that is linked to the idea of Society Company and that was crystallised in a large canvas where the people who drive progress were at the centre.
We wanted to put the following question to the whole of Valencian society: ‘How do you imagine the Region of Valencia of the future? In addition to collecting their vision in a large ballot box, we presented the 4 axes (entrepreneurship, innovation, technology and research) on which Fundación LAB will work over the coming years to build together the society of the future.

Suscribe, now.