Fundación LAB Mediterráneo incorporates Enrique Soto as its director

València, 2 de mayo de 2023.- Fundación LAB Mediterráneo,a project promoted bythe Valencian Business Association (AVE) in 2021, with the mission of positioning the Valencian Community as a national and European benchmark in entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and research, will incorporate Enrique Soto as director of the Foundation.
ForFundación LAB Mediterráneo, he is the right person to fulfill the founding objectives and promote the growth of the project.
For his part, Enrique Soto takes on this new challenge with great enthusiasm and is convinced that the Valencian Community is on the way to becoming a benchmark in entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and research in the national and European context.
Enrique Soto Ripoll (València, 1965) has a degree in Law, specializing in Business, and a Master ‘s degree in Community Institutions and Policies from the University of Valencia. Before the last eleven years, he was General Manager of Feria Valencia. Before this position, Enrique Soto was Secretary General of the Confederación Empresarial Valenciana for eight years.
Fundación LAB Mediterráneo
Fundación LAB Mediterráneo is a project created by AVE with the mission of positioning the Region of Valencia as a national and European benchmark in entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and research.
To achieve this, it has set itself five objectives: to promote the creation and attraction of technology start-ups; to work to attract national and international technology companies to set up in the Valencia Region and create a ‘tractor effect’; to promote support for companies in non-technological sectors to accelerate their digital transformation; to contribute to increasing private investment in R&D&I; and to help promote research.
The Foundation’s Board of Trustees is made up of the following entities: Aceitunas Cazorla, Aquaservice/Plug and Play, AVE, Baleària, Banco Sabadell, Boluda Corporación Marítima, CaixaBank, Dacsa Group, Embutidos Martínez/KMZERO, GDES, Grupo AZA, Grupo Bertolín, Grupo Gimeno, Helados Estiu, Importaco, Lanzadera, Logifruit, Nunsys/inConcert, Royo/ Invext, S2 Grupo, SPB/Cleanity TIBA/Romeu, Verne Technology Group y Zeus/Sesame.