Ricardo Sáez
Director of the Startup Programme at the Bankinter Foundation of Innovation
Professional with extensive experience in investment, corporate venturing, and entrepreneurship. Computer Engineer and AMP from IE (Instituto de Empresa), several years ago he founded Startupxplore, one of the leading fintech startup investment platforms in Spain, and currently holds the position of Startup Program Director at Fundación Innovación Bankinter, where he manages the VC investment program and from where he has launched several initiatives focused on the startup and corporate venturing ecosystem.
Expert voices such as those of Javier Megias, director of the Startups Programme at Fundación Innovación Bankinter, Jaime de Borbón Dos Sicilias, director of Plug and Play Tech Center, and Ismael Valero, head of Lanzadera Corporate, explain that collaboration between startups and large corporations should be done in small steps, but always thinking in the long term. Interesting recommendations for companies that are immersed in this process.