II Meeting connecting entrepreneurs and researchers
Restaurante Maestral
Calle de Andalucía, 18. Alicante
21 de marzo
11:00 – 15:30 h

Abraham Mendoza
Ph. D. in Organic and Organometallic Chemistry from the University of Oviedo (2009) studying homogeneous gold/platinum catalysis and its applications in total synthesis. Post-doc at The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA, USA) in total synthesis of anti-tumor terpenes and functionalization of alkanes (2010- 2012). Post-doc at Univ. of Cambridge (UK) in Biological and Bio-orthogonal Chemistry (2012-2013). Group Leader (2013). Tenure (2017) and Full Prof. (2021) at Stockholm University (Sweden). ERC Starting Grantee (2017- 2023] and Knut & Alice Wallenberg Fellow (2017-2026). Since July 2022, Leader of the Sustainable Organic Chemistry area at ICMol (Univ. Valencia) and CIDEGENT Senior Distinguished Researcher (Generalitat Valenciana).
Nuria Oliver
Telecommunications Engineer by the UPM and Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the co-founder and director of ELLIS Alicante has 25 years of research experience at MIT, Microsoft Research (Redmond, WA, USA), was the first female Chief Scientist at Telefónica R&D (2007-2016) and the first female Director of Data Science Research at Vodafone worldwide (2017-2019]. She is an expert in computational modeling of human behavior using Artificial Intelligence techniques, human-machine interaction, mobile computing and Big Data analysis, with more than 180 scientific publications cited more than 23,000 times, and the only Spanish researcher recognized by the ACM as Distinguished Scientist and Fellow at the same time. She is also a Fellow of the IEEE and the European Association of Artificial Intelligence. She has been recognized with awards such as the Rei Jaume I Prize for New Technologies 2021.
Carlos Sabater
His international career stands out with his postdoctoral stays, as well as collaborations with the University of South Africa, Yachay Tech University (Ecuador) and the National University of Costa Rica. His most recent postdoctoral stay was at the prestigious Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), where he specialized in molecular electronics and spintronics. His first postdoctoral stay was for 3 years at the University of Leiden (The Netherlands) in the prestigious laboratory of Nobel laureate Kamerlingh Onnes, where he established himself as a reference in the measurement of the electronic transport of atomic contacts, molecules, and two-dimensional materials, both in ambient conditions and in high vacuum and cryogenics. During the years 2005-2009, he worked in private industry as Head of Laboratory (AIDIGO) as well as director of l+D+/ (Visenova). Since 2019, he combines his research work with teaching at the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Alicante.
Antonio Signes
Multidisciplinary career with positions in academies and industries in national and international institutions such as GenT researcher at Miguel Hernández University in the Department of Public Health, Researcher at Dartmouth College in the Department of Epidemiology. Researcher at Queen's University Belfast, Director of Research and Development at Doscadesa2000, Head of Industrial Projects at ImasdeAgroalimentaria, predoctoral researcher at DeMontfort University, and predoctoral researcher at Miguel Hernández University in the Department of Food Technology.
Damiá Tormo
He has spent the last 15 years working in the biopharmaceutical and healthcare industry. He has focused on venture capital investment in life sciences and company formation since 2010, where he focuses on private company investments in the biopharmaceutical, life sciences, and medical technology sectors. He has founded several biotech companies such as Artax Biopharma Inc and Bioncotech Therapeutics SL. Restaura Biotech SLO PTS. Between 2010 and 2013 he was CEO of Bioncotech Therapeutics, a company that develops drugs for oncological clinical conditions. He currently sits on the boards of Minoryx, Artax Biopharma, Highlight Therapeutics, and Integra. He is also chairman and trustee of the Columbus Foundation, which facilitates access to the most advanced therapies for children with cancer and ultra-rare genetic diseases.
Mary Carmen Vidal
Degree in Biology, Ph. D. in Biological Sciences, and Master in Food Business Management (DEA) from the San Telmo Foundation. She has been a researcher for more than 14 years in projects related to biotechnology and the genetic analysis of plants. Research professor for more than 5 years at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodriguez, Venezuela. She has more than 8 scientific publications in international journals and more than 30 presentations at international scientific congresses. In addition to being a tutor of bachelor and master theses, she has also been a lecturer of the Master in Brewing Science and Technology at the University of Alcalá for 4 years now. She is a specialist in submitting research projects to national and international calls for proposals, obtaining funding, and in innovation and product development, leading the launch of more than 30 products in the Dacsa Group. For the last 18 years, she has been the corporate product manager at Dacsa Group.
Amilcar Bedoya
He completed his undergraduate studies in Physics at the Technical University of Munich, doing his Master’s thesis at the Walther-Meissner-Institut on the growth and characterization of magnetic semiconductors based on zinc oxide. He received his Ph. D. in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Goettingen, Germany, focusing on charge and spin transport studies of epitaxial heterostructures, and received the Dr. Berliner-Ungewitter Award for outstanding doctoral theses (2011). After his time at centers of excellence such as CiC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian) and the Max-Planck Institute (Halle, Germany), he came to Valencia as a Distinguished Researcher of the CIDEGenT plan, affiliated with the Institute of Molecular Sciences of the UV, where he is forming a research group focused on the fabrication and development of new bidimensional materials with magnetic properties. During his career, he has accumulated more than 40 high-impact scientific publications and numerous international talks and a book chapter.
Reyes Calvo
She began her career in 2005 as a pre-doctoral researcher at the University of Alicante. Then, from 2009 to 2011 she carried out a post-doctoral research stay at the London Centre for Nanotechnology, London (UK). In 2011, she became a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford University, California (USA) thanks to a Marie Slowdowska Curie MSCI grant and three years later, as an Ikerbasque Fellow^ at CIC nanoGUNE, Donostia-San Sebastian. Since 2019, she is a distinguished researcher at the University of Alicante in the CideGenT plan.
José Mª Gómez
Ph. D. in Economics and Business Studies, Chartered Accountant, Economist-Auditor, Senior Assessor of the EFQM, and Professor of Business Organisation at the UMH. He is the author of more than 100 scientific papers and a researcher in more than 50 national and international projects on Business Creation and Management. He directs the research group on "Promotion and Business Creation* of the UMH, the Observatory "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor* the *SME Report* Valencian Community and the director of the official MBA of the UMH, as well as a trainer of entrepreneurs in various universities and business schools. He is currently secretary of the Social Council of the UMH and has previously been Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs and Business Relations and also Director of Innovation and Transfer of the University.
Raúl Martín
Graduate in Computer Science from the UPV and PDG from IESE. He was founder and president of the Valencian Association of Startups until January 2019 and his professional career has always been linked to the management of business projects with a focus on innovation, investment, and the entrepreneurial environment. During his extensive career, he has been Director General of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Generalitat Valenciana and responsible for the winning candidacy of the Comunitat Valenciana for the European Entrepreneurial Region 2015 award, as well as responsible for the Telefónica Open Future ScaleUp program and co-founder and president of Startup Valencia. He also founded the technology company VSoft in the final year of his career. For his activity as an entrepreneur, he was awarded by the IDEAS Institute of the UPV in 2013. He is currently the corporate general manager of Familia Martinez and CEO of KM ZERO Food Innovation HUD.
Abraham Mendoza
Ph. D. in Organic and Organometallic Chemistry from the University of Oviedo (2009) studying homogeneous gold/platinum catalysis and its applications in total synthesis. Post-doc at The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA, USA) in total synthesis of anti-tumor terpenes and functionalization of alkanes (2010- 2012). Post-doc at Univ. of Cambridge (UK) in Biological and Bio-orthogonal Chemistry (2012-2013). Group Leader (2013). Tenure (2017) and Full Prof. (2021) at Stockholm University (Sweden). ERC Starting Grantee (2017- 2023] and Knut & Alice Wallenberg Fellow (2017-2026). Since July 2022, Leader of the Sustainable Organic Chemistry area at ICMol (Univ. Valencia) and CIDEGENT Senior Distinguished Researcher (Generalitat Valenciana).
Nuria Oliver
Telecommunications Engineer by the UPM and Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the co-founder and director of ELLIS Alicante has 25 years of research experience at MIT, Microsoft Research (Redmond, WA, USA), was the first female Chief Scientist at Telefónica R&D (2007-2016) and the first female Director of Data Science Research at Vodafone worldwide (2017-2019]. She is an expert in computational modeling of human behavior using Artificial Intelligence techniques, human-machine interaction, mobile computing and Big Data analysis, with more than 180 scientific publications cited more than 23,000 times, and the only Spanish researcher recognized by the ACM as Distinguished Scientist and Fellow at the same time. She is also a Fellow of the IEEE and the European Association of Artificial Intelligence. She has been recognized with awards such as the Rei Jaume I Prize for New Technologies 2021.
Carlos Sabater
His international career stands out with his postdoctoral stays, as well as collaborations with the University of South Africa, Yachay Tech University (Ecuador) and the National University of Costa Rica. His most recent postdoctoral stay was at the prestigious Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), where he specialized in molecular electronics and spintronics. His first postdoctoral stay was for 3 years at the University of Leiden (The Netherlands) in the prestigious laboratory of Nobel laureate Kamerlingh Onnes, where he established himself as a reference in the measurement of the electronic transport of atomic contacts, molecules, and two-dimensional materials, both in ambient conditions and in high vacuum and cryogenics. During the years 2005-2009, he worked in private industry as Head of Laboratory (AIDIGO) as well as director of l+D+/ (Visenova). Since 2019, he combines his research work with teaching at the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Alicante.
Antonio Signes
Multidisciplinary career with positions in academies and industries in national and international institutions such as GenT researcher at Miguel Hernández University in the Department of Public Health, Researcher at Dartmouth College in the Department of Epidemiology. Researcher at Queen's University Belfast, Director of Research and Development at Doscadesa2000, Head of Industrial Projects at ImasdeAgroalimentaria, predoctoral researcher at DeMontfort University, and predoctoral researcher at Miguel Hernández University in the Department of Food Technology.
Damiá Tormo
He has spent the last 15 years working in the biopharmaceutical and healthcare industry. He has focused on venture capital investment in life sciences and company formation since 2010, where he focuses on private company investments in the biopharmaceutical, life sciences, and medical technology sectors. He has founded several biotech companies such as Artax Biopharma Inc and Bioncotech Therapeutics SL. Restaura Biotech SLO PTS. Between 2010 and 2013 he was CEO of Bioncotech Therapeutics, a company that develops drugs for oncological clinical conditions. He currently sits on the boards of Minoryx, Artax Biopharma, Highlight Therapeutics, and Integra. He is also chairman and trustee of the Columbus Foundation, which facilitates access to the most advanced therapies for children with cancer and ultra-rare genetic diseases.
Mary Carmen Vidal
Degree in Biology, Ph. D. in Biological Sciences, and Master in Food Business Management (DEA) from the San Telmo Foundation. She has been a researcher for more than 14 years in projects related to biotechnology and the genetic analysis of plants. Research professor for more than 5 years at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodriguez, Venezuela. She has more than 8 scientific publications in international journals and more than 30 presentations at international scientific congresses. In addition to being a tutor of bachelor and master theses, she has also been a lecturer of the Master in Brewing Science and Technology at the University of Alcalá for 4 years now. She is a specialist in submitting research projects to national and international calls for proposals, obtaining funding, and in innovation and product development, leading the launch of more than 30 products in the Dacsa Group. For the last 18 years, she has been the corporate product manager at Dacsa Group.
Amilcar Bedoya
He completed his undergraduate studies in Physics at the Technical University of Munich, doing his Master’s thesis at the Walther-Meissner-Institut on the growth and characterization of magnetic semiconductors based on zinc oxide. He received his Ph. D. in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Goettingen, Germany, focusing on charge and spin transport studies of epitaxial heterostructures, and received the Dr. Berliner-Ungewitter Award for outstanding doctoral theses (2011). After his time at centers of excellence such as CiC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian) and the Max-Planck Institute (Halle, Germany), he came to Valencia as a Distinguished Researcher of the CIDEGenT plan, affiliated with the Institute of Molecular Sciences of the UV, where he is forming a research group focused on the fabrication and development of new bidimensional materials with magnetic properties. During his career, he has accumulated more than 40 high-impact scientific publications and numerous international talks and a book chapter.
Reyes Calvo
She began her career in 2005 as a pre-doctoral researcher at the University of Alicante. Then, from 2009 to 2011 she carried out a post-doctoral research stay at the London Centre for Nanotechnology, London (UK). In 2011, she became a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford University, California (USA) thanks to a Marie Slowdowska Curie MSCI grant and three years later, as an Ikerbasque Fellow^ at CIC nanoGUNE, Donostia-San Sebastian. Since 2019, she is a distinguished researcher at the University of Alicante in the CideGenT plan.
José Mª Gómez
Ph. D. in Economics and Business Studies, Chartered Accountant, Economist-Auditor, Senior Assessor of the EFQM, and Professor of Business Organisation at the UMH. He is the author of more than 100 scientific papers and a researcher in more than 50 national and international projects on Business Creation and Management. He directs the research group on "Promotion and Business Creation* of the UMH, the Observatory "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor* the *SME Report* Valencian Community and the director of the official MBA of the UMH, as well as a trainer of entrepreneurs in various universities and business schools. He is currently secretary of the Social Council of the UMH and has previously been Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs and Business Relations and also Director of Innovation and Transfer of the University.
Raúl Martín
Graduate in Computer Science from the UPV and PDG from IESE. He was founder and president of the Valencian Association of Startups until January 2019 and his professional career has always been linked to the management of business projects with a focus on innovation, investment, and the entrepreneurial environment. During his extensive career, he has been Director General of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Generalitat Valenciana and responsible for the winning candidacy of the Comunitat Valenciana for the European Entrepreneurial Region 2015 award, as well as responsible for the Telefónica Open Future ScaleUp program and co-founder and president of Startup Valencia. He also founded the technology company VSoft in the final year of his career. For his activity as an entrepreneur, he was awarded by the IDEAS Institute of the UPV in 2013. He is currently the corporate general manager of Familia Martinez and CEO of KM ZERO Food Innovation HUD.
Abraham Mendoza
Ph. D. in Organic and Organometallic Chemistry from the University of Oviedo (2009) studying homogeneous gold/platinum catalysis and its applications in total synthesis. Post-doc at The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA, USA) in total synthesis of anti-tumor terpenes and functionalization of alkanes (2010- 2012). Post-doc at Univ. of Cambridge (UK) in Biological and Bio-orthogonal Chemistry (2012-2013). Group Leader (2013). Tenure (2017) and Full Prof. (2021) at Stockholm University (Sweden). ERC Starting Grantee (2017- 2023] and Knut & Alice Wallenberg Fellow (2017-2026). Since July 2022, Leader of the Sustainable Organic Chemistry area at ICMol (Univ. Valencia) and CIDEGENT Senior Distinguished Researcher (Generalitat Valenciana).
Nuria Oliver
Telecommunications Engineer by the UPM and Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the co-founder and director of ELLIS Alicante has 25 years of research experience at MIT, Microsoft Research (Redmond, WA, USA), was the first female Chief Scientist at Telefónica R&D (2007-2016) and the first female Director of Data Science Research at Vodafone worldwide (2017-2019]. She is an expert in computational modeling of human behavior using Artificial Intelligence techniques, human-machine interaction, mobile computing and Big Data analysis, with more than 180 scientific publications cited more than 23,000 times, and the only Spanish researcher recognized by the ACM as Distinguished Scientist and Fellow at the same time. She is also a Fellow of the IEEE and the European Association of Artificial Intelligence. She has been recognized with awards such as the Rei Jaume I Prize for New Technologies 2021.
Carlos Sabater
His international career stands out with his postdoctoral stays, as well as collaborations with the University of South Africa, Yachay Tech University (Ecuador) and the National University of Costa Rica. His most recent postdoctoral stay was at the prestigious Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), where he specialized in molecular electronics and spintronics. His first postdoctoral stay was for 3 years at the University of Leiden (The Netherlands) in the prestigious laboratory of Nobel laureate Kamerlingh Onnes, where he established himself as a reference in the measurement of the electronic transport of atomic contacts, molecules, and two-dimensional materials, both in ambient conditions and in high vacuum and cryogenics. During the years 2005-2009, he worked in private industry as Head of Laboratory (AIDIGO) as well as director of l+D+/ (Visenova). Since 2019, he combines his research work with teaching at the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Alicante.
Antonio Signes
Multidisciplinary career with positions in academies and industries in national and international institutions such as GenT researcher at Miguel Hernández University in the Department of Public Health, Researcher at Dartmouth College in the Department of Epidemiology. Researcher at Queen's University Belfast, Director of Research and Development at Doscadesa2000, Head of Industrial Projects at ImasdeAgroalimentaria, predoctoral researcher at DeMontfort University, and predoctoral researcher at Miguel Hernández University in the Department of Food Technology.
Damiá Tormo
He has spent the last 15 years working in the biopharmaceutical and healthcare industry. He has focused on venture capital investment in life sciences and company formation since 2010, where he focuses on private company investments in the biopharmaceutical, life sciences, and medical technology sectors. He has founded several biotech companies such as Artax Biopharma Inc and Bioncotech Therapeutics SL. Restaura Biotech SLO PTS. Between 2010 and 2013 he was CEO of Bioncotech Therapeutics, a company that develops drugs for oncological clinical conditions. He currently sits on the boards of Minoryx, Artax Biopharma, Highlight Therapeutics, and Integra. He is also chairman and trustee of the Columbus Foundation, which facilitates access to the most advanced therapies for children with cancer and ultra-rare genetic diseases.
Mary Carmen Vidal
Degree in Biology, Ph. D. in Biological Sciences, and Master in Food Business Management (DEA) from the San Telmo Foundation. She has been a researcher for more than 14 years in projects related to biotechnology and the genetic analysis of plants. Research professor for more than 5 years at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodriguez, Venezuela. She has more than 8 scientific publications in international journals and more than 30 presentations at international scientific congresses. In addition to being a tutor of bachelor and master theses, she has also been a lecturer of the Master in Brewing Science and Technology at the University of Alcalá for 4 years now. She is a specialist in submitting research projects to national and international calls for proposals, obtaining funding, and in innovation and product development, leading the launch of more than 30 products in the Dacsa Group. For the last 18 years, she has been the corporate product manager at Dacsa Group.
Amilcar Bedoya
He completed his undergraduate studies in Physics at the Technical University of Munich, doing his Master’s thesis at the Walther-Meissner-Institut on the growth and characterization of magnetic semiconductors based on zinc oxide. He received his Ph. D. in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Goettingen, Germany, focusing on charge and spin transport studies of epitaxial heterostructures, and received the Dr. Berliner-Ungewitter Award for outstanding doctoral theses (2011). After his time at centers of excellence such as CiC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian) and the Max-Planck Institute (Halle, Germany), he came to Valencia as a Distinguished Researcher of the CIDEGenT plan, affiliated with the Institute of Molecular Sciences of the UV, where he is forming a research group focused on the fabrication and development of new bidimensional materials with magnetic properties. During his career, he has accumulated more than 40 high-impact scientific publications and numerous international talks and a book chapter.
Reyes Calvo
She began her career in 2005 as a pre-doctoral researcher at the University of Alicante. Then, from 2009 to 2011 she carried out a post-doctoral research stay at the London Centre for Nanotechnology, London (UK). In 2011, she became a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford University, California (USA) thanks to a Marie Slowdowska Curie MSCI grant and three years later, as an Ikerbasque Fellow^ at CIC nanoGUNE, Donostia-San Sebastian. Since 2019, she is a distinguished researcher at the University of Alicante in the CideGenT plan.
José Mª Gómez
Ph. D. in Economics and Business Studies, Chartered Accountant, Economist-Auditor, Senior Assessor of the EFQM, and Professor of Business Organisation at the UMH. He is the author of more than 100 scientific papers and a researcher in more than 50 national and international projects on Business Creation and Management. He directs the research group on "Promotion and Business Creation* of the UMH, the Observatory "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor* the *SME Report* Valencian Community and the director of the official MBA of the UMH, as well as a trainer of entrepreneurs in various universities and business schools. He is currently secretary of the Social Council of the UMH and has previously been Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs and Business Relations and also Director of Innovation and Transfer of the University.
Raúl Martín
Graduate in Computer Science from the UPV and PDG from IESE. He was founder and president of the Valencian Association of Startups until January 2019 and his professional career has always been linked to the management of business projects with a focus on innovation, investment, and the entrepreneurial environment. During his extensive career, he has been Director General of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Generalitat Valenciana and responsible for the winning candidacy of the Comunitat Valenciana for the European Entrepreneurial Region 2015 award, as well as responsible for the Telefónica Open Future ScaleUp program and co-founder and president of Startup Valencia. He also founded the technology company VSoft in the final year of his career. For his activity as an entrepreneur, he was awarded by the IDEAS Institute of the UPV in 2013. He is currently the corporate general manager of Familia Martinez and CEO of KM ZERO Food Innovation HUD.